Saturday, September 8, 2012

Three Fairy Girls

What about a blog? can you see our videos if we put them up on a blog? Here's a test, a story I wrote and then recorded especially for Chelsea enjoyment :-D This has been a good use of my time waiting at the airport (well, if it works that is.)

Three Fairy Girls
For Chelsea, Grace and Ingrid

Chapter 1

        Once upon a time, in a little village of cottages with thatched roofs lived three little girls who were the merriest of friends. On pleasant days they would often walk together up a little trail onto a mountain where they would collect barriers and roots to bring back to their mother’s for supper. If often came about that the three girls would spend the whole of the afternoon gathering flowers, playing among the trees, learning the ways of all the forest animals, and altogether having a wonderful time. There came a day in the early spring that the three found not far from the trail a large outcropping of rocks that formed a sort of natural cave or indentation. It was a wonderful place to rest in the shade of a warm day, and they soon decided the cave should be their own little house. They set to work quickly brushing the floor with pine boughs and gathering what items they thought useful for such a cozy afternoon cottage.
            As the weeks passed the girls returned again and again to their little cave making it into a kind of home for themselves. One of the girls thought to carry large flat stones from the stream and created little path from the mountain trail to the entrance of the cave. The girls collected wild flowers, being careful to dig the roots and moved them to the front of their house like a garden until it was quite a lovely spot to spend the day. Inside the cave was even nicer for the resourceful young maidens had piled stones and formed a low table around which the three could sit comfortably and spread out their lunches of bread and fresh barriers. An extra berry basket was set on a sort of natural shelf in case any of them ever forgot their own at home. An old bucket had been salvaged and would hold just enough water from the stream to water the flowers and wash the berry juice from their fingers. They had a little stack of firewood which they always said would be used some day. And in one corner under a rock they kept their treasures, the best skipping rocks from the stream, a few shiny stones, feathers and the larger pieces of bird shells they had collected.
            It was one afternoon in the early summer that the three girls came chattering and laughing up the trail to find their cottage in disarray. The table had been flattened as if something very heavy had been slid upon it. The neat little pile of fire wood had also been moved and there were ashes left to one side. And some of the flowers had been trampled. “Someone has ruined our house!” the first girl cried. “But the basked it still there,” said the second, “And so are our treasures.” She said after observing the mess carefully. “Perhaps they stumbled upon it in the dark” said the third, “They could have tripped over the table and the firewood before knowing they could make a fire.” All three agreed that was the best explanation because no animal could have lit a fire, and so they set about happily putting their little house in order. When this was finished the three took their baskets of barriers and set off towards the village as happy as ever.

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